student review

a student perspective

Invitation was like trusting a dear friend, offering me an experience that would help me grow myself and my connections deeper into Earth Medicine in ways that I could have never imagined.  Through my magical walk with Invitation as my guide, I was allowed to question, to wonder, and to ultimately form deeper relationships of trust within myself and the beings that I interact with on a daily basis. 

I began to understand how much goes into reciprocating a relationship with a stone or plant being. I started asking more questions and becoming more curious about how my medicine could look in working in relationship with these as my allies.  I wanted to understand how I could not only create medicine with the Earth, but how I could also find ways to deeply embody that creative medicine for healing, for integrity, and as an emanation of love and wonder within and outside of the humxn experience.  I wanted to know how I could be a part of the Whole experience and not just an observer from the outside, and this is the gift Invitation has given me. It has gifted me a foundation to understand and grow my own magical medicine with shimmering pieces of myself included in those creations that are deepening my journey here on this Earth at this time, evoking my curiosity and wonder, and asking me to continue to open myself up to all the different ways of Being in this world.

- Ravina Shive