
Graham Field.jpg

some things about graham…

it feels like i’ve always been drawn to the quiet spaces full of sound. moreso these days... the pathway through a bright green forest where tree cover above and damp earth beneath nourished met the songs of my spirit. river stones in the middle of rushing water with the music of birds and the glow of an autumn sun tending the deep parts of my heart. catching a crisp breath inside the busyness of a wintry city sidewalk. the in-between moment in a circle of people, contemplating what’s been spoken, not quite ready to make the next sound.

my work in healing for myself and with others often centers around how we find these spaces in our lives, how we stretch ourselves to see them in unexpected ways, and how we know them when we’re there. and how we remember that we heal together. i’ve found some of my strongest allies in plants and stones, the places i’m in, and relationship with my own being, body, mind, and spirit. so these are where i’ve concentrated my learning and practice — working with plants, stones, and embodiment as companion and resource in this living.

i’ve engaged with earth medicine professionally for seven years and personally since i was a kid. i consider my work a practice in earth medicine, engaging with herbs (RH, AHG), stones, and these wise embodied beings we are as medicine of this home we’re remembering how to share. i work one-on-one with folx, and i love to share what i learn and know in classes, gatherings, and writing too. i trust that recognizing our gifts, our medicine, changes us and allows us to share more fully in changing the world, in healing together.

i’m deeply grateful to the beings, more-than-humxn and humxn too, who have illuminated this journey for me. some of the ones who stand out today are red maple, wild carrot, reishi, rose, mica, moldavite, the ancient river and these mountains of Southern Appalachia. i’m grateful to have learned and to be learning with Jeffrey Yuen, Sarah Thomas, Jessica Godino, and Sister Rosie Miller among many others. i’m also inspired and informed by the stories and wise perspectives of adrienne maree brown and Robin Wall Kimmerer. there is so much more to these stories of plants and fungi and stones and water and earth and humxn wisdom and creativity. i’m eager for the unfolding. i’m grateful for your presence here, and i wonder how are paths will cross in our healing together.